
Retired Mortgage Finance Expert Advocating for Affordable Housing
The FHFA review of the FHLBanks, has provoked me to step-up and challenge the Banks to give more to and initiate better affordable housing programs. My 30 years plus experience working in the mortgage finance industry and for three separate FHLBanks qualifies me to build evidenced based arguments.

My analytical approach and passion for affordable housing solutions motivates me to contribute to this important work. As a progressive mortgage professional, I have a keen analytical mind and have focused on aligning portfolio needs with market demand and corporate goals to maximize profits, control risks, and enhance competitiveness. Since retiring, when not enjoying time with family and especially my granddaughter, I have the time and energy to make an impact. I want to apply my experience and knowledge to contribute to solving the housing crisis across the country. The FHLBanks are key— they and their members can do more by adhering to a mission that keenly focuses on solutions to housing needs.
About George H. Collins

Retired as CRO (chief Risk Officer) from the Federal Home Loan Bank System in 2021 after over 20 years working for three districts — The Pittsburgh, Boston and DesMoines Banks. Before that I worked for over 14 years as Secondary Market Trader and Treasurer for thrift institutions.